Extraordinary General Meeting
- Details
- Created: Sunday, 19 July 2015 09:08
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To see the Jul/15, 2015 Owners update on the Call for an Extraordinary General Meeting, Park Foreshore Ownership, the Town of Osoyoos Foreshore Re-zoning to W3 and the Dock tenure/permit please use the Members login. Click the Read More button to be taken to the login form.
To The Owners,
The Town of Osoyoos has approved the Park's application for the zoning change to the Town's Foreshore Bylaw #1294. The Park is now in the appropriate W3 Group/Strata zone for boat moorage as opposed to the incorrect W2 Private moorage. With this re-zoning, the Park has approval for 10 moorage slips at the dock and 15 buoys in Solana Bay.
The Town of Osoyoos has stated in the past, and more recently at the Council's June site visit to the Park, that mooring boats on the beach is not an acceptable practice. Although this has not been enforced in the past, the Town has indicated that they may start enforcing this in the future. Beach moorage is not acceptable in any of the zones (ie W1, W2, W3 or W4).
To the Owners,
Emergency access on the Park’s roadways has been an issue for some time. The Park’s Directors are currently reviewing adding lines on the roadways (park common property) to clearly designate the emergency access lanes. Some white dots have been placed on the roadways to help visualize potential emergency access lanes and the impact they would have on the Park/Owners.
The Town’s emergency response folks are after 6 meters of roadway as that is the standard width by BC Building Code. The Park has failed to pass the Town's fire access inspection for the last several years (last inspection results posted on the clubhouse door). Marking access lanes would demonstrate that the Park is trying to maintain emergency access even where we are physically restrained. We understand the concern over potential loss of parking and through our discussions with the Town will be trying to ensure a solution that is acceptable to the Owners.
Park Directors
Hi Owners,
By now, all Owners should have received their Tax Notices for the year 2015, either by mail or e-mail. If not, please call the town of Osoyoos town office and ask to speak to Phyllis. http://www.osoyoos.ca/content/contact-us
Hi Owners,
By now, all Owners should have received their individual lot BC Tax Notices for the year 2016 by mail from the Town of Osoyoos. If not, please call the Town of Osoyoos Property Taxes office and ask to speak to Phyllis. (http://www.osoyoos.ca/content/contact-us)
Phyliss from the Town of Osoyoos Property Taxes department has asked the Board of Directors to remind owners that haven't paid their taxes yet, that they are now overdue. Overdue taxes need to be paid ASAP.
Paradise Park has 2 sheds for recycling, located on the path to the beach. The shed closest to the road is for pop cans, beer cans, and any containers that have a deposit when you purchase them. The second shed closest to the beach is for other materials that can be recycled but no deposit has been paid on them. For a full list of what can be recycled go to Return It.
The recycle shed is manned by volunteers, so please keep it neat, tidy and organized.
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