Saturday, February 08, 2025

Paradise Park News & Updates

Park Update September 24, 20204

Hello All

Pool Closure - Reminder Sunday September 29/24 (my Birthday :) ) will be the last day to swim this year. They are starting to drain the pool Sept 30/ 24 to start winterizing.
Water Blow up - Reminder October 19/24 between 8am-9am time start.
Tree trimming -  We have found a contractor that will be going around the entire park Starting Monday October 28 to the 29/24 cutting all dead and unsafe branches around the park. This will include common and personal areas.
 If you have any additional work you would personally want please let us know. Any additional work requested will be at the owner's cost.
 Please note the Park is not responsible for manicuring personnel lots, just making it as safe as possible if necessary for liability reasons.
Notice To The Park - Only Authorized Personnel To Enter The Pool Pump/ Boiler/Electrical Rooms or Cabinets. We seem to be having unauthorized individuals playing with the pool controls etc. Please do not enter these areas without Board approval.
Overdue Dues Fees - Reminder to pay all your Maintenance Fees for 2024  before October 1/24. There will be a 15% surcharge on late payments. 
Hope you all had a wonderful Summer! It seemed short but still was sweet! Talk soon.
Randy Finamore

Park Update August 29,2024

Hello Everyone

Just to give you all some heads up on a few dates we all need be aware of as we get closer to fall also a side request as follows:
1) Pool Closer- Last day to swim is Sunday September 29th(my Birthday :) ) This is a long weekend. I did try for Monday Sept 30 but between emptying the pool and blowing the lines out by Oct 2/24 this was the best we can do to appease all parties involved. So enjoy the last month for this year! 
2) Sprinklers - The Sprinkler blow out date is scheduled for Saturday October 19 at 8am please mark this date down. If you have anything you like to make sure is blown out we will see you then.
3) New Water Meters - You may have received a letter from the City of Osoyoos and Neptune Technology Group regarding the installation of a meter to your lot. Please disregard this item. I have talked with the City and Neptune... yes there will be metering but only 1 meter installed on our main water supply. This still needs to be sorted out with Neptune Technology Group who is installing all metering for the City. We are waiting to receive a reference number so we can be placed into the Neptune system. So you may receive another letter so please disregard this as well. I will call on behalf of the park and organize when received. The City automatically sends to every address in the City but complexes and Park like ours will be sorted out as they get closer to our installation date between the fall of 2024 and Spring 2025. We will keep you posted as we get more information.
4) Side request -  Please do not put dead fish from our beach in our garbage cans! It literally stunk the joint up for days till the garbage was picked up. There were a lot of people around our garbage that were not happy! Next time see Bill he will help dispose properly. "A"  for effort thou ....Thank You
Randy Finamore

Pool Closure / Sprinkler Blowout - Aug. 30, 2023

Pool Closure - Last day to swim is Sept 30 2023.
Summer Water/Sprinklers Blow out - This is scheduled for Saturday October 14/2023 . Please make sure all your hose bibs are accessible. You may want to be here to ensure your lot is blown out properly to prevent additional bibs being missed as we had happened last year. These repairs are still ongoing and may have to wait till spring to be revisited. 

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Sept. 9, 2022 Update

Hello Everyone,

We have received approximately 30 Owners out of 69 information that is required for the Land Owner Transparency Register. We have 3 more weeks to gather info as requested by the lawyer. Just a reminder that failure to do so could result in a $50,000.00 or 5% fine for the park.Please ask to send to Benny ASAP.

Just to bring you all to speed on a few items as follows:

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May 22, 2018 Park Update

May 22, 2018 water levels

Good afternoon everyone;

Here is the latest information that I have as of today May 22;

Still no power and there is still about 2' of water in the farthest south corner of the park so the power will not be turned on until that recedes lower than the power boxes.

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Paradise Park has 2 sheds for recycling, located on the path to the beach. The shed closest to the road is for pop cans, beer cans, and any containers that have a deposit when you purchase them. The second shed closest to the beach is for other materials that can be recycled but no deposit has been paid on them. For a full list of what can be recycled go to Return It.

The recycle shed is manned by volunteers, so please keep it neat, tidy and organized.



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